Thursday, April 19, 2012

making things....

Continued rain meant working from inside the van, and its a mess in there....

Working inside the van....

However, I did manage to get part of the bed box built...

Seat mode (one 3' section complete) - Different length slats mean you can get inside the storage without it all falling apart.

Hinged lid to access storage (water heater, leisure batteries etc. will be in here)

Pulls out to form 6' x 4' bed

I might need to redo some of it, as I am not happy just using ply as the outer leg when extended, which is the current plan. I prefer some 2" x 1" legs, and a sheet of ply.  Sadly this does mean taking quite a bit of it apart, as it has to pull out to exactly 4' otherwise the cushions won't fit, so adding width in the form of wider legs means decreasing something somewhere else....

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